



初心に戻って、今回は複素エルミート行列の固有値を求めてみました。[A]{x} = λ{x}のシンプルな固有値問題です。


DelFEM (Finite Element Analysis)
Copyright (C) 2009  Nobuyuki Umetani    n.umetani@gmail.com

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
//  eigen_lanczos.cppをC#に移植
//  created by rujimiya (original codes created by Nobuyuki Umetani
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace DelFEM4NetLsSol
    public class CEigenLanczos_CSharp

        /// <summary>
        /// 逆べき乗法によるエルミート行列の最小固有値の取得
        ///   固有値に負の固有値が含まれる場合は正しく計算されません。残差[A]{x} - λ{x}をチェックしてください。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ls">リニアシステムオブジェクト</param>
        /// <param name="pls">プリコンディショナ―オブジェクト</param>
        /// <param name="aIdVec">無視ベクトル</param>
        /// <param name="itr_invp">逆べき乗法の最大反復回数</param>
        /// <param name="itr_lssol">ICCG法の最大反復回数</param>
        /// <param name="conv_ratio_lssol">ICCG法の収束基準の相対残差</param>
        /// <param name="iflag_conv">0:正常に終了  1:ICCGが収束しなかった</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DelFEM4NetCom.Complex MinimumComplexEigenValueVector_InvPower(
            DelFEM4NetFem.Ls.CZLinearSystem ls,
            DelFEM4NetFem.Ls.CZPreconditioner_ILU prec,
            IList<uint> aIdVec,
            uint itr_invp,    // 逆べき乗法の最大反復回数
            uint itr_lssol,   // ICCG法の最大反復回数
            double conv_ratio_lssol,    // ICCG法の収束基準の相対残差
            out int iflag_conv)  // 0:正常に終了  1:ICCGが収束しなかった
            uint max_itr_invp = itr_invp;
            if (ls.GetTmpVectorArySize() < 3) { ls.ReSizeTmpVecSolver(3); }

            int ires = -1;
            int iupd = -2;
            int itmp = 2;

            // 無視ベクトルのグラムシュミットの直交化
            for (int iivec = 0; iivec < aIdVec.Count; iivec++)
                int ivec0 = (int)aIdVec[iivec];
                for (int jivec = 0; jivec < iivec; jivec++)
                    int jvec0 = (int)aIdVec[jivec];
                    DelFEM4NetCom.Complex dot = ls.INPROCT(ivec0, jvec0);
                    ls.AXPY(-dot, jvec0, ivec0);
                double normx = Math.Sqrt(DelFEM4NetCom.Complex.Norm(ls.INPROCT(ivec0, ivec0)));
                ls.SCAL(1.0 / normx, ivec0);

            // 更新から無視ベクトル成分を引く
            for (int iivec = 0; iivec < aIdVec.Count; iivec++)
                int ivec0 = (int)aIdVec[iivec];
                DelFEM4NetCom.Complex dot0 = ls.INPROCT(ivec0, iupd);
                ls.AXPY(-dot0, ivec0, iupd);
            {  // 更新を正規化
                //DelFEM4NetCom.Complex normx = complex_Sqrt(ls.INPROCT(iupd, iupd));
                double normx = Math.Sqrt(DelFEM4NetCom.Complex.Norm(ls.INPROCT(iupd, iupd)));
                ls.SCAL(1.0 / normx, iupd);

            DelFEM4NetCom.Complex min_eigen = new DelFEM4NetCom.Complex(double.MaxValue, 0);
            for (uint work_itr_invp = 0; work_itr_invp < max_itr_invp; work_itr_invp++)
                ls.COPY(iupd, ires);
                ls.COPY(iupd, itmp);
                {  // 行列の逆を求める
                    double conv_ratio = conv_ratio_lssol;
                    uint num_iter = itr_lssol;
                    //bool res = DelFEM4NetFem.Ls.CZSolverLsIter.Solve_PCG(ref conv_ratio, ref num_iter, ls, prec);
                    //bool res = DelFEM4NetFem.Ls.CZSolverLsIter.Solve_CG(ref conv_ratio, ref num_iter, ls);
                    bool res = DelFEM4NetFem.Ls.CZSolverLsIter.Solve_PCOCG(ref conv_ratio, ref num_iter, ls, prec);
                    //Console.WriteLine("PCG iter : " + num_iter + " " + conv_ratio);
                    if (!res)
                        iflag_conv = 1;  // ICCGが収束しなかったフラグ
                        return 0;
                // 無視ベクトルの成分を引く
                for (int iivec = 0; iivec < aIdVec.Count; iivec++)
                    int ivec0 = (int)aIdVec[iivec];
                    DelFEM4NetCom.Complex dot0 = ls.INPROCT(ivec0, iupd);
                    ls.AXPY(-dot0, ivec0, iupd);
                // レリー積の計算
                //min_eigen = ls.INPROCT(itmp, iupd);
                min_eigen = ls.INPROCT(iupd, itmp);
                //DelFEM4NetCom.Complex normtmp = complex_Sqrt(ls.INPROCT(itmp, itmp));
                double normtmp = Math.Sqrt(DelFEM4NetCom.Complex.Norm(ls.INPROCT(itmp, itmp)));
                min_eigen /= normtmp;

                // 更新ベクトルを正規化
                //DelFEM4NetCom.Complex norm0 = complex_Sqrt(ls.INPROCT(iupd, iupd));
                double norm0 = Math.Sqrt(DelFEM4NetCom.Complex.Norm(ls.INPROCT(iupd, iupd)));
                ls.SCAL(1.0 / norm0, iupd);
            iflag_conv = 0;  // 正常終了フラグ
            return 1.0 / min_eigen;

[A] = [ 3.0, -j1.0 ]

        [ j1.0,   2.0]

このエルミート行列の 固有値は正の実数なので解けるでしょう。


            double m1 = 3.0;
            double m2 = 2.0;
            double k = 1.0;
            DelFEM4NetCom.Complex imagOne = new Complex(0.0, 1.0);
            DelFEM4NetCom.Complex[,] srcMat = new DelFEM4NetCom.Complex[2, 2]
                    {          m1, -imagOne * k},
                    {imagOne * k,            m2}
            // DelFEMの固有値解析ルーチンを使用
            // リニア方程式ソルバ
            CZLinearSystem ls = new CZLinearSystem();
            // プリコンディショナ―
            CZPreconditioner_ILU prec = new CZPreconditioner_ILU();
            // 行列の0でない要素のある場所を指定し、インデックスを格納する
            uint nblk = (uint)srcMat.GetLength(0);

            CFieldWorld world = null;
            uint fieldValId = 0;
            int[[]] tmpBuffer = null;
            bool[,] matPattern = new bool[nblk, nblk];
            for (int i = 0; i < matPattern.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < matPattern.GetLength(1); j++)
                    matPattern[i, j] = true;

                out world,
                out fieldValId,
                out ls,
                out prec,
                out tmpBuffer);

            // 行列の要素を格納する場所を取得
            CZMatDia_BlkCrs_Ptr femMat = ls.GetMatrixPtr(fieldValId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, world);
            // 行列へのマージ開始
            //uint nblk = femMat.NBlkMatCol();
            // 行列を要素を追加します。
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nblk == femMat.NBlkMatCol());
            Console.WriteLine("srcMat merge");
            for (uint iblk = 0; iblk < nblk; iblk++)
                ComplexArrayIndexer ptr = femMat.GetPtrValDia(iblk);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ptr.Count == 1);
                ptr[0] = srcMat[iblk, iblk];
                Console.WriteLine("    ( " + iblk + " ) = " + ptr[0].Real + " + " + ptr[0].Imag + " i");

                uint npsup = 0;
                ConstUIntArrayIndexer ptrInd = femMat.GetPtrIndPSuP(iblk, out npsup);
                ComplexArrayIndexer ptrVal = femMat.GetPtrValPSuP(iblk, out npsup);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ptrInd.Count == ptrVal.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < ptrVal.Count; i++)
                    ptrVal[i] = srcMat[iblk, ptrInd[i]];
                    Console.WriteLine("    ( " + iblk + ", " + ptrInd[i] + " ) = " + ptrVal[i].Real + " + " + ptrVal[i].Imag + " i");
            // 更新ベクトル(1, 1,..., 1)
            CZVector_Blk_Ptr updatePtr = ls.GetUpdatePtr(fieldValId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, world);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nblk == updatePtr.BlkVecLen());
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(1 == updatePtr.BlkLen());
            for (uint iblk = 0; iblk < updatePtr.BlkVecLen(); iblk++)
                DelFEM4NetCom.Complex val = new DelFEM4NetCom.Complex(1.0, 0.0);
                updatePtr.SetValue(iblk, 0, val);
                //System.Console.WriteLine("update( " + iblk + " ) = " + updatePtr.GetValue(iblk, 0));
            // マージ終了
            double res = ls.FinalizeMarge();
            //Console.WriteLine("Residual : " + res );
            // プリコンディショナ―にリニアシステムの(行列の?)値を設定してILU分解を行う
            bool ret = prec.SetValue(ls);
            //Console.WriteLine("prec.SetValue(ls) ret = " + ret);

            // 行列の固有値を取得する
            double conv_res_lssol = 1.0e-6;// ICCG法の収束基準の相対残差
            uint itr_invp = 2000;// 逆べき乗法の最大反復回数
            uint itr_lssol = 2000;// ICCG法の最大反復回数
            int iflag_conv = 0; // 0:正常に終了  1:ICCGが収束しなかった

            DelFEM4NetCom.Complex eigenVal = CEigenLanczos_CSharp.MinimumComplexEigenValueVector_InvPower(
                                  out iflag_conv);
            // iflag_conv (0:正常に終了  1:ICCGが収束しなかった)
            Console.WriteLine("////// Result of CEigenLanczos.MinimumComplexEigenValueVector_InvPower //////");
            Console.WriteLine("eigenVal = " + eigenVal.Real + " + " + eigenVal.Imag + " i");
            Console.WriteLine("iflag_conv = " + iflag_conv);
            for (uint iblk = 0; iblk < updatePtr.BlkVecLen(); iblk++)
                DelFEM4NetCom.Complex cval = updatePtr.GetValue(iblk, 0);
                System.Console.WriteLine("eigenVec( " + iblk + " ) = " + cval.Real + " + " + cval.Imag + " i");
            // 固有ベクトルを先頭の値を基準に位相をずらす
            DelFEM4NetCom.Complex cval0 = updatePtr.GetValue(0, 0);
            DelFEM4NetCom.Complex phaseShift = cval0 / DelFEM4NetCom.Complex.Norm(cval0);
            for (uint iblk = 0; iblk < updatePtr.BlkVecLen(); iblk++)
                DelFEM4NetCom.Complex cval = updatePtr.GetValue(iblk, 0);
                cval /= phaseShift;
                System.Console.WriteLine("phaseShift eigenVec( " + iblk + " ) = " + cval.Real + " + " + cval.Imag + " i");
            // 残差チェック
            DelFEM4NetCom.Complex[] evec = new DelFEM4NetCom.Complex[updatePtr.BlkVecLen()];
            for (uint iblk = 0; iblk < updatePtr.BlkVecLen(); iblk++)
                evec[iblk] = updatePtr.GetValue(iblk, 0);
            //DelFEM4NetCom.Complex[] residualVec = new DelFEM4NetCom.Complex[updatePtr.BlkVecLen()];
            DelFEM4NetCom.Complex[] leftVec = product(srcMat, evec);
            double residual = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < updatePtr.BlkVecLen(); i++)
                double squaredNorm = DelFEM4NetCom.Complex.SquaredNorm(leftVec[i] -  eigenVal * evec[i]);
                residual += squaredNorm;
            residual = Math.Sqrt(residual);
            Console.WriteLine("residual: {0}", residual);


